As many of you know my son was born three years ago with a congenital deformity called Craniosynostasis. Basically it is a fancy way of saying no soft spot as an infant. At 10 wks old he under went a very invasive skull surgery to fix it. A wonderful pediatric neurologist and a plastic surgeon worked hand in hand to remove the fused piece of bone, put in dissolvable plates and screws, and the plastic surgeon worked on reshaping his skull esthetically. He then wore a helmet for three months to protect his skull and help hold the desired shape of his head.
He had a miraculous recovery. He was taken out of the PICU after 24 hours and spent several more days on the children's ward until he was released and came home a few days later. As a Mom I can't even remember how I got through it...really. I faint at the sight of blood...really and I am not a fan of hospitals. I remember that morning preparing him my new baby boy only weeks old for a major surgery. He was going to go through more in his short life then some go through in a lifetime. Kyan and I sat with a friend Melody who so graciously left her child behind to come and sit with us for awhile and pray with us during the surgery. I will NEVER forget that.
It was a long 7 hours before we got to see him again. We waited for our names to be called then my husband and I were lead back to his room where we thanked God for his safety, the steady hands of his Dr.'s and the ability to get through this. Looking back now three years ago it feels more like a lifetime ago. I look at my healthy boy and thank God for His goodness, mercy and protection. Three years ago this month.
thanks for posting Suzanne. I think prayer has played a big part in this little boy's life and continues to do so. He is very blessed to have a mommy like you. Happy Mother's Day!