These in my hand several days before the big game brings a smile to my face!
Khloe and Caleb dressed and ready for their first game of the season ORU vs. Rogers State
Golden Eagle pride she wanted to wear my hat so badly!
It always makes the 2nd half bearable for me.
This is what a typical night after a game looks like for me. Kyan either re-watching the whole game that was just played on TV, or Kyan watching the whole game stopping and starting on the computer breaking down film for practice the next day. Texting players between stopping and starting telling them good job for what they did right. I am normally reading or painting my nails :) opposites attract right?! Notice Pal has his spot right on Kyan's lap!
Golden Eagle line-Up!
love this post! being a coaches wife is such a unique thing that women who are not sometimes just don't "get" ps as my husband's phone is ringing at 9:30 at night and his workday continues :)